Inspirational story-The truth of appearance

Once a voter died in the line itself, after his death he reached the court of God of death. There the accountants of the God of death were sitting opening the account of his deeds.

After seeing the account of his deeds, accountant said to God of death, Sir, this is a matter of 50, 50. The pan is exactly equal on both sides. This is the first time such a situation has happened.

You order what to do. Where to send it heaven or hell?

God of death- He has the right to take decision in such a situation. Whoever wants to choose this.

They sent him with an angel to spend a day in hell and heaven.

Arriving in Hell on the first day, he found himself on a golf course. Amidst the greenery, beautiful scenery all around, he saw a small club far away.

As soon as he reached there he found all his old friends. All of whom were very happy and enjoying. He enjoyed a lot throughout the day with friends, ate good food.Drink some nice wine too.

After saying goodbye to them, he reached heaven with the messenger.There all the saint type contented people were engrossed in worshiping God.

He could not see the day passing by.
At last it was time for him to leave. He reached God of death with the messenger.

God of death wanted to know his decision. He said - My lord, heaven is very good. There is peace there too. But I would like to live in hell. The real joy is there.

God of death asked the messenger to leave him in hell and come.

He was shocked as soon as he entered inside the gate of hell. A desolate desert was visible all around. And all his friends were scattered there in a tattered condition.All his friends were desperately searching for their food in the garbage strewn there.

He said to the messenger - What is this, yesterday there was a different scene here.

The messenger said smilingly, have you ever seen election campaign on earth?? Tomorrow was the campaign day, it was the day to woo you. It was the day to trap you.

Today you have cast your vote.

We get inspiration from this story that don't go for appearances, apply your wisdom.


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