The King and his wise minister

 A long time ago there was a king, his minister was very intelligent.The minister always said that what happens is for the good.It means that what God does is good for us.

Once the king and the minister went to the forest for some work.While returning there in the evening, due to the dark and dense forests, they lost both ways.

While crossing the dense forests, the king collided with something and a finger was cut off in his hand.The king had got it done with pain.Then the minister told him that what  does is only for our good.At that time, the king found this thing very bad.After going a little farther, the king saw a deep crater.

He pushed his minister into the pit and dropped it.After that he proceeded further into the forest.On going further away, some wild people caught the king to sacrifice.But when the wild people were going to sacrifice the king, they saw that one finger of the king was cut off.Then he said that a part of this human is severed, so it cannot be sacrificed

And then they left the king.The king returned directly to the minister from there.

He somehow pulled the minister out of the pit and apologized to him ashamed of his actions.The king told the minister that it was understood that my life was saved by cutting my finger.But I pushed you into the pit and dropped it, what good was it?The minister told the king that if I were with you, you would have left the wild people because of a finger cut, but they would have sacrificed me.

Now the king understood that whatever God does, it is only for our good.


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