The glory of a saint

 A long time ago there was a rich businessman.He used to go to a saint daily to listen to the sermons in his hermitage.Saints always used to say that when you are in trouble, remembering God, he will definitely support you.

Once that businessman was going on a ship of water for some of his work.There was a terrible storm on the way.His ship started sinking.He panicked and prayed to God.He said, O God, save me today, I will donate 15 hundred gold coins.A miracle has just happened and his ship has stabilized in the storm as well.After a while the storm also stopped and he came back home safely.

The next day he reached the saint's hermitage and donated 1000 gold coins there.Suddenly the saint held his hand and said that you had asked him to donate 1500 gold coins.The businessman was surprised. He told the saint that how do you know that I had asked to donate 1500 coins.Then the saint said that yesterday God sent me to save you.The merchant said how can I believe that you came to save me in the midst of such a terrible storm.Then the saint smiled and removed the cloth on his back.The iron pin of the ship was carved on their back.Due to which, there was constant bleeding.The saint said that yesterday, at the behest of God, I was the one who stood by holding your ship on his back.

Seeing this, a stream of tears flowed from the eyes of the businessman.



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