Entertaining story- Tit- for- tat

 Once upon a time two brothers lived with their old father in a village.The elder brother was very clever and the younger brother was very simple and simple in nature.

After the death of the father, the elder brother said that the goods which are there should be divided now.There were three things to partition.

There was a tree full of fruits,there was a cow that gave milk,and there was a blanket to avoid the cold.

The elder brother who was very clever told his younger brother that the lower part of the tree will be yours and the upper part will be mine.After that came the turn of the cow, the elder brother said that the front part of the cow will be yours and the back part will be mine.After the tree and the cow came the turn of the blanket the elder brother said that this blanket will remain with you throughout the day, but it will remain with me for the whole night.

Poor younger brother was simple, he accepted the partition made by his elder brother.According to the partition, the younger brother would take care of the tree, give water to the tree and fertilize it.After that all the fruits that the elder brother used to take.Similarly, it was the responsibility of the younger brother to feed the cow and the elder brother used to take all the milk.When the younger brother came back home after working all day and slept in the cold at night, the elder brother would take the blanket from him because it was his turn to get the blanket at night.The younger brother could not even sleep the whole night due to the cold.

Once the younger brother was very upset and went to a saint.The saint listened to him completely and told him the remedy.

The younger brother came to the house and first cut the tree in half.The elder brother was very angry with this action of the younger brother but he could not do anything. Because the part under the tree belonged to his younger brother.After that the younger brother stopped feeding the cow, due to which the cow also stopped giving milk.Now it was the turn of the blanket, the younger brother put water in a bucket for the whole day and soaked the blanket in it.

Big brother, seeing everything, he was getting angry in his heart but he could not do anything. Because the younger brother was working according to the partition.

In this way the younger brother had made the proverb like tit-for-tat come true.


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