Funny story

 There was a king with two horns on his head.Due to which he never got his hair cut and always wore a crown on his head.When his hair grew too much, he called a barber.

He told the barber that if you tell anyone about the horns on my head, then I will get your head cut off.The barber told the king that I promise you that I will not tell this to anyone till my death.After that the barber came to his house.He started feeling very upset.This thing could not be digested in his stomach.After thinking a lot throughout the night he went to the forest in the early morning.There, he said that the tree would have a horn on the head of the king.

After telling his words to the trees, his stomach became light and he happily came to his house.After some time musical instruments were made from those trees.Once that king held a meeting in his palace to enjoy musical instruments.When the first music player played his instrument, the sound of "Two horns of the king". came from him.The sound came from another instrument."Who said- who said".The sound came from the third instrument"said the barber-said the barber".

The barber was called to the meeting to find out the truth of this fact.The barber very innocently narrated the whole incident in front of the assembly.NowEveryone had come to know about the king having horns on his head.

The king became a character of laughter and the whole assembly echoed with laughter.


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