Inspirational story- Saint and the children of the eagle

 Once upon a time there was a king.One day he was on a city tour with his servants.On the way, he saw a man who had two cute eagle children.The king bought those eagle children from that person.

After coming to his palace, the king gave the responsibility of the children of those eagles to a trained person.

After a few months the king went to the man who was training the eagle's children.The king saw that both the eagle's children were now grown and flying.But the king saw that an eagle's child was flying high. But the other child goes and sits on a branch of the tree.

The king was very disappointed by this because he wanted to see both the children soaring high.So he made an announcement that whoever teaches the eagle's child to fly high, he will be given a suitable reward.

Many trained people came and tried their best, but no one could make that eagle's child successful in flying high.

After some time passed, one day a saint was going through that city. When he also heard this, he came to the king and said that take me to the place where he is the child of the eagle.After some time the saint reached the place where both the eagle's children were flying.After that the saint told the king that you will come here tomorrow, by tomorrow this eagle's child will start flying high.

The next day when the king reached the place where both the children of the eagle were flying, he saw there that the second child of the eagle was also flying high.The king was surprised to see that he asked the saint that how did you make this work possible?

The saint said that this eagle's child had become accustomed to sitting on the branch of that tree. That's why I got that branch of the tree cut down.The saint further said that when the child of this eagle did not get the branch of the tree, then he learned that it can fly even higher.

Due to this act of the saint, the king got a lesson along with happiness.


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