Inspirational story- Secrets of health

 Once upon a time a man lived in a city.His age was the oldest among the people of that city and he was completely healthy.

People used to come from far and wide to ask him the secret of his health.Then that person would tell them that the secret of my health is some miraculous fruits.

People would ask him where those miraculous fruits are found, then he would say that after climbing the mountains, there is a tree above on which those miraculous fruits are found.

After listening to that person, people thought that why not stop there and see the daily routine of that person and follow him and see where those miraculous fruits are found.

When people chased the person in hiding in the morning, they saw that the person climbed up a mountain in the morning and returned after sometime with some fruits.

After the return of that person, people went up the mountain and there he looked for the miraculous fruits but they did not see any special fruits there.

After that the people went and told this to the king of that city.The king immediately called that person to his royal court and asked him about those miraculous fruits.The person said to the king that if you walk with me to that mountain, then I will show you that miraculous fruits.

When the king reached the top of the mountain on foot with that person, that person showed a berry tree there.The man told the king that every morning I wake up early in the morning and come to the top of the mountain after a very long way and take the fruits of this berry tree and eat it.

The fruits of this berry tree obtained after so much hard work become a miraculous fruits for my health.The person further said that this miraculous fruits obtained through hard work is the secret of my health.

In this way the king and all the people came to know the secret of health.


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