Inspirational story- Solving problems.

 Once upon a time there was a king.He was very worried about the solution of the problems of his country.When he could not find any solution to his troubles, he went to a saint.

The saint went to the forest with the king.While walking in the forest, the sight of the king and the saint suddenly fell on a deer.The deer was pregnant and was going after the mud mound on the bank of the river for her delivery.

The king and the saint saw that a hunter was aiming at that deer And on the other side a lion who had come to drink water from the river. His eyes too had fallen on that deer.

When the deer saw the hunter and the lion coming towards her, she ran to the other side in the forest.But the deer saw that the way she wanted to run in the forest. There is a fire in the forest in that direction.Now the deer, which was suffering from labor pain, seeing no way of its rescue, stopped at the same place in despair.

Then the king and the saint saw that suddenly it started raining from the sky, due to which the entire hunter missed his target and went into the eyes of the lion.Seeing the lion hitting the arrow, the hunter thought that now this lion is injured and can attack him, so the hunter ran away.On the other hand, the lion could not see in any way due to the arrow in the eye and started running here and there, sobbing with pain.Meanwhile, the fire in the forest due to rain was also extinguished.

Now the king and the saint saw where the deer was surrounded by so many troubles sometime back.The same deer was giving birth to her child in a cordial environment due to the support of God and nature.

After seeing all this, the saint told the king that whenever we get blown away by many troubles in our life. Then we should leave some things to God and nature, when the time comes, they definitely solve it.


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