Inspirational story- Time is precious

 Once upon a time there was a king.He told his minister to go and find the 3 biggest fools of our state.After that the king said that I give you one month's time for this work.After that the minister took orders from the king and set out in search of fools.

Exactly 1 month later that minister appeared in the king's court with two foolish persons.

The king told the minister that I had asked you to bring 3 foolish people but you have brought only 2.The minister told the king that first you should know about the stupidity of these two foolish persons.After that I will introduce you to the third fool.

The minister told about the first person that this man was going on a bullock cart and was carrying half the luggage on his head.On asking the reason for this, the person told that to reduce the burden on the bullocks, so I have kept this half of the luggage on my head.

After that the minister told that other foolish person that this person was feeding grass by taking his buffalo on his terrace.On asking reason, that other foolish person told that grass had grown on the roof, so he was taking the buffalo to the terrace and feeding it.

After that the king asked where is that third foolish person?Now the minister said that I am in the third person who wasted his precious time at the behest of you and went out in search of fools.Now the minister said that I am in the third person who wasted his precious time at the behest of you and went out in search of fools.

Now the king had realidsed that time is very precious and how much did he spoil this valuable time of his minister?


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