Interesting story- Best intelligent

 Once upon a time there was a king.He himself was very intelligent and his minister was also very intelligent.

One day the king told his minister that you should find someone who is the most intelligent.After much deliberation in the minister, asked the king that you give me 1000 gold coins and one month's time. After that I will bring before you the best wise man.After that the minister left the king with 1000 gold coins and a month's time.The minister was very intelligent, in that he spent his 1 month time in the comfort of his house with a lot of fun.

Before the completion of one month, the minister went to a shepherd and gave him 500 gold coins and said that you have to go with me to the king's court.Simultaneously, the minister told the shepherd that you will have to do as I say.

After the completion of the period of 1 month, the minister reached the king's court with the shepherd.Pointing to the shepherd after the king's greeting, the minister said that I have brought the best wise man in front of you. After that the minister told the king that you can ask any question to him.

The king asked many questions to the shepherd but he did not answer them.He remained silent on every question.The king got very angry when the shepherd remained silent.The king scolded the minister and said that why have you brought the deaf and dumb person in front of me?The minister told the king that this person is not dumb and deaf. He is just silence in front of you.Because he has heard from his forefathers that one should always remain silent before the king and the wise men.That is why this person is not answering your questions even after being intelligent.

The king smiled at his minister's cleverness and intelligence.He sent off the shepherd with many gifts.


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