Interesting story- Blue Elephant

 It occurred a long time ago. There was a king, his minister was very intelligent.The king knew this.

He asked to test the minister that I want a blue elephant and that too alive.The king told the minister that I will give you 7 days' time and if you don't get the blue elephant, then don't ever show me your face again.

The minister knew that there was no blue elephant, but he had to obey the orders of the king.So he bowed down to the king and left from there.

On the eighth day he appeared in the court before the king.The king said to the minister that tell me did you find the blue elephant?The minister said yes sir, I have got the blue elephant.But the one who has kept the elephant. He has put 2 conditions for giving the elephant.The king asked curiously, what are those two conditions?The minister said that the first condition of that person is that the king has to come alone to pick up the elephant.And his second condition is that the king has to come on any eighth day of the week except 7 days of the week.The king knew that apart from 7 days in a week, there is no one on the eighth day.

So he was mesmerized by the wisdom of the minister.


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