Interesting story-Buried money

 Once upon a time there was a farmer.He had two sons.They were both very lazy.Both of them did not do any work and used to waste their time in vain.The farmer used to work alone in the fields throughout the day, but his two sons did not help him.

The farmer was always worried about his two sons, what would they do in future and how would they feed themselves?

Once the farmer fell very ill and felt that he did not have many days left in his life, so he called his two sons to him.The farmer told his two sons that he did not have many days left in his life. So he wants to tell them both that whatever money he earned throughout his life, he has buried it in his fields.The farmer further said that after my death, both of you should dig that money out of the fields.

After a few days the farmer died.When both his sons needed money, they thought that why not walk on their fields and dig out the money buried by their father.Thinking so, both the sons of the farmer went to their fields and by working hard day and night, they dug the entire field.But they did not get any money there.

After that, both the sons of the farmer sat there with their hands on their heads and started cursing their father in their mind.Then he thought why not we bring seeds from the market and put them in the soil of our fields.

After thinking like this, both of them went to the market and from there they brought the seeds and put them in their fields.After that, they irrigate their fields well and due to good care their crops started in a few days.Then when their crops were ripe, after harvesting them, they took them and sold them in the market and got a lot of money from it.

When both of them got a lot of money from their crops. Then he understood the meaning of the buried money told by his father.

After that, a stream of tears flowed from his eyes remembering his father.


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