Interesting story- Gold Seeds.

 There was a king who loved a book given to him by his father.One day he told his servant go bring that book to me.Servant was taking the book to the king when he stumbled and the book fell into the water.

The servant got scared, he thought that if I told the king right, he would definitely punish me for my mistake.He lied to the king that the whole book had been bitten by rats.But after a few days the king came to know of the truth.The king said to the servant, I do not punish you for your mistake, but you lied to me, so I give you the death penalty.

One of the ministers of the king was very intelligent, he opposed this.The minister told the king that there is no such person in the world who has never lied.A lie told for some good is good.The king did not like what he did to the minister, he expelled him from his cabinet.The minister thought that without proof the king would never listen to him.

After some thought the minister went to the goldsmith and he got some gold seeds made.After that the minister reached the king and he said, Sir gold seeds have been given to me by a saint, if you put it in your fields, there will be crops of gold.The king was very pleased to hear the minister and he said that let us sow this seed in our fields.

The minister took the king to the field and he sowed the seeds there.After that the minister told the king that now the same person can give water in it, who has never lied in life, only then crops will come. king got the announcement done in the whole city but no one came to give water to those seeds.Finally the minister told the king that you must have never lied in your life, so give water to yourself in these seeds.

The king said that in my childhood I too have lied many times. That's why I too cannot give water to these seeds.

Now the king had realised his mistake. He waived the death sentence of the servant.


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