Interesting story- King's justice

Once upon a time there was a king, his justice was famous far and wide.

Once, in his court, two young men were caught, who were accused of a murder.The king asked the two young men whether you accept that you have committed the murder.

Both the young men told the king that we have been wrongly accused of murder.The king asked the two young men to give me the exact details of what happened that day.

Those two young men told that both of us go to the forest every day to learn the language of birds.For this reason we understand the language of birds.

Even on the day of the incident, we went to the forest to listen to the voices of the birds.We heard that some birds are saying among themselves that there is a dead body lying in front.For information about this, we reached a place going forward in the forest where we saw a person lying on the ground.When we went to see that person, he was not breathing.

Then a person came there and started shouting loudly that these two persons have killed this person.In this way, the person gathered the crowd and got both of us caught on the charge of killing that person.

After listening to the words of the two young men, the king said that tomorrow justice will be done with you.

The next day the king took the two young men with him and went to a tree on which there was a nest of birds.The king said to the two young men that if you know the language of birds, then tell me what is this bird saying?Those two young men first listened to the birds and then told the king that this bird is saying that some person stole four eggs from their nest in the night and that person is present at this time.

The king smiled and said that both of you young men are right. Last night I took out four eggs from the nest of these birds.Therefore both of you are innocent, therefore both of you are acquitted of the charge of murder.

The king then called the man who had accused the two young men of murder.After that the king took the man and the two young men to the place where the other person was killed.

There the king put one of his servants away and the person who had accused of killing said that you go to that servant with a sword.When the person accused of murder. When he started going to the servant with the sword, the birds started shouting very loudly.

Then the king and all those present there understood that the person who had accused the murder of those two young men had been murdered by him.For this reason, the whole bird was screaming loudly after seeing that murderer.

After that the king punished the real culprit.


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