Interesting story- Longevity fruit.

 Once upon a time there was a king.He was sitting in his court with his ministers.At the same time a king's servant came in the court and he told the king that the ambassador of a king of another country has come outside and he wants to meet you.The king asked his servant to respectfully bring that ambassador to the court.

After a while the servant of the king brought the ambassador to the court.The ambassador bowed down to the king and presented a basket full of apples to the king.The ambassador told the king that these apples are miraculous, whoever eats these apples will have a long life.The king was very pleased to hear about that ambassador.

One of the king's ministers was very intelligent.He suddenly got up from his place and picked an apple in it and ate a piece of it.Seeing this, the king was very angry, he immediately ordered the death penalty to that minister.He was very sad when the minister was being taken to be hanged.

Before hanging, that minister was asked his last wish, he said that I have something to say to the king.When that minister was presented before the king, he told the king that when I ate some part of this apple, I got the death penalty.If a person eats this apple whole, how can he get longevity?

The king was very pleased with the wisdom of his minister and waived the death sentence of that minister.


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