Interesting story- The mystery of the three dolls.

 Once upon a time there was a king.One day a merchant came to his court.The merchant told the king that I have three dolls. I have heard that the minister of your state is very intelligent. Please any of them tell me what is the difference between these three dolls?

The merchant told the king that I will come to your kingdom after 7 days, then you will tell me what is the difference between these three dolls.

The king gave his ministers 3 days to find the difference between the three dolls.But none of the ministers saw any difference between the three dolls.The king also tried hard to find the difference between those three dolls, but he too could not see any difference in those dolls.

The king became very disappointed.Then he remembered one of his wise retired ministers.The king called that minister to his court and gave him three days' time by giving him three dolls and said that find the difference between these three dolls and tell.

After much searching, the minister found the difference between the three dolls.On the seventh day, taking those three dolls, the minister appeared in the royal court.

By that time the merchant had also come there.In the court, the king asked the minister to tell the difference between those three dolls.

The minister told the king that the first doll had a hole in one ear and one in its mouth.The other doll has a hole in both the ears.And the third doll has a hole in only one ear. The merchant told the king that the minister has told the exact difference between the three dolls. But can he also explain its meaning? 

Then the minister ordered three copper wires.The minister put the wire from the doll's ear and removed it from the mouth.The minister said that this doll represents the person who, after hearing something, narrates it everywhere. Little faith in such people.The minister put the second wire in one ear of the other doll and removed it from the hole in the other ear.And said that this doll represents a person who does not give any importance to someone after listening to him.It is useless to say anything to such a person.When the minister put a wire in the ear of the third doll, it remained inside.Then the minister said that this doll represents the person who listens carefully to someone and keeps full faith in such a person. 

The minister's words, both the king and the merchant were mesmerized by his words.

Ultimately the merchant had to accept the wisdom of the minister.


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