Interesting story- Stingy businessman.

 Once upon a time there was a village in which a merchant lived.He was very stingy.

He used to give money to people on interest.He used to go out in the village every day at the time of eating food and used to enter the house where people were seen eating food and used to eat food with them.

Because the people of the village used to take money on interest to him, so he could not speak to him.In this way, the money for the food of that miserly trader was also saved.

The merchant had a son, he wanted his son to become a miser like him.

One day the miser businessman was beating his son a lot outside his house.Soon a crowd of people gathered outside the house of that miserly trader.People could not understand why the stingy businessman was beating his son like this.

When some people asked the miserly businessman to know the reason, he said that he had told his son that while climbing and descending the stairs, leave a ladder and climb and descend.Due to which slippers are less rub.

The stingy businessman further told that my son did not listen to me and left 2 stairs and climbed down.Because of which his trousers got torn.Due to which he has lost double money. That's why he is beating his son.

People could not stop laughing after hearing this from the stingy businessman.


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