Interesting story- Test of intelligence

 Once upon a time there was a king.He had 2 sons.Both the sons were equal in valor and courage.The king loved his two sons very much.

When both the sons of the king grew up, the king was unable to decide which of the two sons he should sit on the throne after him.The king thought that both my sons are brave and courageous, now their intelligence should also be tested.

Thinking of this, the king called both the sons to him.The king gave each of the sons a glass vessel in which sand and sugar were mixed in equal quantity.The king told his two sons that both of you should separate sugar and sand from your respective utensils and bring them.

The king's 1st son could not understand how he would separate the sand and sugar, but the second son happily said that father will show you this sand and sugar separately by tomorrow morning.

The next morning the second son of the king took his father to the field outside his palace.There the second son of the king showed his father the sand lying near a tree.The sugar had almost disappeared from the sand.

The king asked his son how did you separate the sugar from the sand and where did it go?Then the king's son showed his father the ants carrying sugar near the tree.The king's son told his father that I had brought a vessel full of sand and sugar here in the night and turned it over.From here the ants kept taking sugar from the sand all night.Thus the sugar was separated from the sand.

The king saw that some ants were still carrying sugar.Thus the second son of the king was successful in the test of his intelligence.Now the king has declared his second son to be the emperor.


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