The wisdom of the saint

 There was a king in a city, his daughter was very beautiful.A farmer lived in the same town, he was very poor, he had a son.One day the farmer's son saw the princess and he was fascinated by her.The farmer's son knew that in this way he could never get married with the princess. So he went to a saint.He grabbed the feet of the saint and said that you should get me married to the princess.

The saint wondered how such a difficult task was possible?After much thought, the saint took out an amulet and gave it to the farmer's son and said that You will transform into a girl after wearing this amulet.No one will even recognise you as a girl and you will easily get close to the princess.After this the saint reached the king with the farmer's son.

The saint told the king that this is my daughter. I am leaving this with you and going to the forests for penance.I will come back and take it with me till you take care of it.Now that farmer's son started living with the princess as her friend.

One day the king's general saw the farmer's son taking the form of a girl.He was fascinated by her.When the king came to know about this, he took the form of a girl and fixed the marriage of the commander with the farmer's son.Now that farmer's son panicked and again went to the saint.He told the whole incident to the saint.The saint asked the farmer's son to write a message on a leaf that I do not like this marriage. That's why I am leaving the palace.After that you leave the card written with this message in the palace.The farmer's son did the same.After that the saint reached the palace with the farmer's son.The saint told the king that I have promised this boy's father that I will marry him with my daughter.So now you send my daughter with me.The king bowed his head and told the whole thing to the saint and showed him that message too.

The saint told the king that what I have promised to this boy's father, what should I do now?Then the king said that you should marry this boy to my daughter. 

In the end the princess and the farmer's son got married with the wisdom of the saint.


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