Inspirational story- Greed is evil

 Once upon a time there lived a farmer in a town.He had a field but it did not produce much.Because of this he was living his life in poverty.

After 1 day he was sleeping in his field. When he opened his eyes, he saw a snake spreading its hood and sitting in front of him.

At first he was scared but when he saw that light was spread around the snake, then he understood that it is some miraculous snake.

He saluted the snake with folded hands and said that I am a poor farmer.After that the farmer said that I have some milk at this time and after putting the milk in an earthen pot, he placed it in front of the snake.

The farmer saw that the snake came near the earthen pot and touched it and went to his pit nearby.After the snake left, the farmer saw that a gold coin was kept in an earthen pot.

Now the farmer used to keep milk in an earthen pot near the pit every day.After that, when the farmer picked up the earthen pot, he would find a gold coin kept in it every day.

In this way the poverty of that farmer was gradually getting removed.One day that farmer had to go to another city for some work.

So he told everything to his son and asked him to do the same in his absence.The farmer's son was greedy and thought that there was a lot of money in the snake's pit.

After his father went to another city, the boy went to the snake's pit.There he thought that he should kill the snake before extracting the treasure from the pit.

As soon as the snake came out of its burrow, he hit it with a stick.The snake became very angry with the blow of the stick, it bit the farmer's son due to which he died.

We  learn from this story that we should never be greedy because greed is an evil force.


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