Inspirational story- The way to progress

Once upon a time there was a potter.He used to make very beautiful pottery and toys.The pottery and toys made by him are famous in distant villages and cities.

The potter had a son.When he grew up, the potter also taught him to make pottery and toys.Gradually, Potter's son also learned to make beautiful clay pots and toys like his father, due to which his fame also spread far and wide.

Whenever Potter's son asked his father about the pottery and toys made by him, he would always say try to make better.The potter's son did not like this word of his father.He thought that at some point his father would appreciate the pottery and toys made by him.

Days are passing like this.One day the farmer's son got very angry at his father for not appreciating him.He told his father that you are jealous of my fame. That's why you still don't praise me. Because you think I can't do a better job than you.So now I will do my work by staying at a different place than you.

After that, the son of the potter, living separately from his father, started making his pottery and toys.Gradually, the fame of pottery and toys made by Kumar's son began to decline. Because people got bored with pottery and toys made of the same design.

Now he was beginning to realize his mistake, he understood why his father used to ask every time that try to make better.Realizing his mistake, he reached out to his father and apologized to him.

Potter explained to his son that whenever we consider ourselves to be the best in some work, then our progress stops from there. 

We should always keep moving forward while doing something new in our work.


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