Interesting story-Bundle of luck

  Once upon a time a man lived with his  family in a town.He was survived by his wife and two children.He was living happily with his family.

Once his wife became very ill and even after many treatments the doctors could not save her.The man's life was disturbed due to the death of his wife.

After some time that person got married again.His second wife was of a very evil nature.She used to treat her step-children very badly.

After her husband left for work, she made the children do all the work and did not even give them proper food.

Once the woman thought that if these children were with her forever, then her husband would spend all the money on those children.So she made a plan to get those kids out of the house.

One day when her husband went out of the house to work. Then she accused those children of theft and threw them out of the house.

When those children went some distance away from the house, the woman saw that a bundle was kept on their heads.The woman thought that the two children were carrying all the household items in a bundle.

The woman immediately ran to the children and dragged them to the house.But then the woman saw that those two children did not have any bundle.

She thought those children had hidden the bundle somewhere.Despite a lot of searching for that woman, the bundle was not found anywhere.She took the kids out again.

After going some distance, the woman again saw that bundle on the heads of those children.She then went to those two children but there they did not have any bundle.

She thought that these children knew some magic, due to which they make that bundle disappear.After that the woman brought those children to the house.

The next day she went to a saint and told him everything.The saint smiled and told the woman that the bundle you see on the heads of those two children is a bundle of luck.

The saint further said that you can take away everything from those children but you cannot take away their fortune.

Now the woman had realised her mistake and her heart was filled with self-pity.


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