Interesting story- First came the chicken or the egg?

 Once upon a time there was a king.From time to time, he used to organize competitions in his state.

Once he organized a competition in his state and invited people from all over the country and abroad.People from far and wide came to his kingdom to participate in the competition.

According to the rules of the competition, each person will have two options.According to the king, the choice was given that a person would either answer 20 simple questions or he would have to answer any one difficult question.

Most of the people chose the option consisting of 20 simple questions.In that competition, only one person chose the option with the toughest question.

The king asked that person, tell me, did the chicken come first or the egg came first?That person was very intelligent. He immediately replied that the chicken came first.

On hearing that person's answer, the king immediately asked him that how can you say this with such confidence?

After listening to the king, the person said that according to the competition, I had to answer only one question in the given options, Therefore, I am not bound to answer the second question.

The king was very pleased at the wisdom of the man and made him a minister.


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