Interesting story- Half of the reward

 Once upon a time there was a king, he was very fair and the people of his kingdom were very happy with him.

For a long time no person had come to his court with his problem.The king told his minister that it seems that no person has any problem in our state. That is why for a long time no case was taken in our court.

The minister was very intelligent, he told the king that maybe the subjects are not coming to the court for some other reason, we should find out.

The king told the minister that you disguise yourself and go among the people and find out about this.The minister disguised himself and went on a city tour and went among the people and tried to know their problem in it.

People told their problems to the minister, but he could not know why people do not go to the court with their problems?

Considering these things, when the minister reached the gate of the palace, the gatekeepers there stopped him.Because the minister had changed his disguise, the gatekeepers could not recognise him.

The gatekeepers asked the minister who are you and why do you want to go to the royal court?The minister said that I am an artist and want to display my art in front of the king. That's why I want to go to the court.

The gatekeepers told the minister that you will get to go to the royal court only if you promise that you will give half of the reward you got to us.

The minister reached the palace by promising to give half of the reward to the gatekeepers.The minister performed some of his arts in front of the king in the royal court.

The king was very pleased to see the artistry of the disguised minister.He asked the minister what reward do you want?Then the minister told the king that you give me a reward of 100 whips.

The king was surprised to hear the minister, he said to the minister that why are you asking for such a reward?Giving his real introduction, the minister told the king everything that was said by the gatekeepers of his court.

Then the king came to know that the gatekeeper of his court was a bribe, because of which the people did not come to his court with their problems.

After knowing all this, the king called his gatekeepers to the royal court and punished them harshly and praised the minister's work.


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