Interesting story- Jealousy

 Once upon a time there was a woman who was always worried about her neighbor.

Because the neighbor of that woman was very rich. Because of this, the woman gradually became jealous of him.

The woman started praying to God to improve her financial condition.God was pleased and asked the woman to ask for a boon.

Because God knew the intention of that woman's mind. So they told him that whatever you ask for, your neighbor will get double.

Because the woman was of jealous nature. So he thought that if I asked for something good, my neighbor would get twice as much.

Therefore, after thinking a lot, she asked God that you blind me with one eye.God was also speechless after hearing that woman.

They thought that because of jealousy, human beings do not hesitate to give trouble to themselves.But they was compelled due to which they had to give that boon to that woman.

After that the woman became blind in one eye and her neighbor became blind in both the eyes.

It is learned from this story that by being jealous, a person harms not only others but also himself.


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