Interesting story- Most precious gift

 Once upon a time there was a king.He was very mighty.Once when he returned to his country after winning a huge victory in the war on many countries, he thought that why not celebrate the victory festival.

He organized a huge victory festival on the advice of his ministers.The king's ministers told the king that when you are celebrating such a big victory festival, then you should also build a victory pillar to commemorate it.

The king liked this suggestion of the ministers very much.He called the most qualified craftsman of his kingdom to build the Victory Pillar.With the permission of the king, the craftsman built a wonderful victory pillar within a week.

The king and the king's ministers were very pleased to see the victory pillar made by the craftsman.

The king called that craftsman to his court and told him that we are very happy to see your art. So ask for any valuable gift you want.The craftsman was very proud, he told the king that you have praised me, this is a valuable gift for me.

The king said but you will have to take the gift of this wonderful art of yours.The craftsman thought that if I take the gift, then my self-respect is violated and if I do not obey the orders of the king, then I will be punished.

Therefore, the craftsman took out a bag from him and placed it in front of the king and said that you fill the world's most valuable gift in it.

The king thought that there is nothing in the world more valuable than diamonds and jewels, he filled that craftsman's bag with diamonds and gems.

The craftsman told the king that I do not want these diamonds and jewels. I want the most precious gift in the world.The king and his ministers wondered, what is the most valuable gift of the world?

When the king did not understand anything, he reached a saint with his ministers and craftsman.There he told the whole thing to the saint.

The saint took the craftsman's bag and swung it in the air two or three times and tied it tightly.Then the saint gave that bag to the craftsman.The craftsman went to his home happily after bowing to the saint and the king.

Seeing all this, the king and his ministers were very surprised that how the craftsman left with the empty bag.When the king asked the saint about this, the saint told that I had filled air in that bag and air is the most valuable gift of this world.Because without air we cannot survive even for a moment.

Now the king and his ministers had come to know about the most valuable gift of the world.


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