Interesting story- Saint and bag of happiness

 Long time ago there was a saint.He always tried to bring happiness on the faces of sad people.The purpose of his life was to bring happiness on the faces of others.

For this reason, he always used to do something or the other that would make people laugh.

For this reason, he would sometimes go out for a ride on a donkey and sometimes take some things and distribute it among the people, which brought happiness on his face.

Once the saint was going for a walk that on the way he saw a man very sad and sitting under a tree.The man also had a bag full of stuff with him.

The saint asked the person that why are you sitting here with such sadness?The person said that I have a lot of money and there is no problem. But I am very bored with my life.

The person further told the saint that I had gone on a trip only to remove the boredom of my life. But even on this trip, I did not get any newness and happiness.

After listening to that person, suddenly the saint snatched his bag from that person's hand and he started running.That person also started running after those saints because in that bag was all the things of his journey. 

The saint was well acquainted with all the routes to that place. For this reason, he took the person running in different lanes and took him very far.

After going a long distance, the saint kept the person's bag at a place on the side of the road.After that the saint started looking at a nearby place hiding.

While running, when that person's eyes fell on his bag kept on the side of the road, then his happiness knew no bounds.When the saint hidden there saw this scene, he felt immense joy and he understood that he had succeeded in his purpose. Because he had managed to bring happiness on that person's face.

In this way, those saints had filled that person's board life with thrill and happiness.


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