Interesting story- Saint's discourse

 Once upon a time there was a saint.He lived in a hut outside the city and he used to give sermons.

He lived a very simple life.But his fame spread far and wide.

Once some people called the saint to give a discourse in the city.The saint did not want to give discourses on any platform but he could not even convince the people.

When the saint reached the stage to give a discourse, he asked the crowd present there that do you know what I have come to tell you.

All the people present there said in one voice no.Then the saint said that what is the use of speaking or telling anything at such a place, the people here do not know what I have come to say.Saying this the saint left from there.

The people present there felt very embarrassed, so they called the saint again the next day.The next day the saint reached the stage again and asked the people that do you know what I have come here to tell you.

This time all the people present there said yes in one voice.Now the saint said to all the people present there that when you know what I have come to tell, then what is the use of telling the same thing again?Saying this the saint left from there again without giving a discourse.

This time the people present there got very angry.The next day people again invited the saint to the same stage.This time too, as soon as he came on the stage, the saint asked the people that do you know what I have come to tell you.

This time half the people present there said yes and half the people said no.The saint said that those who know what I have come here to say, should tell those things to those who do not know.So, now saying what is my work here, the saints left from there.

The people present there understood the cleverness of those saints that that saint does not want him to give discourses on any platform.

Therefore, after that those saints were not invited to give discourses in anyone. Rather, people used to go to his hut and listen to the discourses of that saint.


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