Interesting story- The thief of the coins of the pot

 Once upon a time there was a gardener.He looked after the king's garden.Once that money was collected with him, he thought about how to keep it safe.

After much thought he came up with a solution.He filled his money in a pot and buried it in the king's garden.He buried his wealth under a mango tree for identification.

The gardener thought that the king's garden was the safest place to keep his wealth Because there the king's guards guard him day and night.

One day when he reached the garden to withdraw his money, he saw that his pot was missing.He was speechless and wondered who stole his money from the king's garden?Because there was no one except the king, minister and him.

He told the minister about the theft of money kept in the pot.The minister was very intelligent.He told the gardener that you do not worry, you will get your money.

The minister went to the guards of the garden and asked that who had come here in a few days, tell them about them.The guard of the garden told that a few days ago the royal doctor had come here to take mango wood for making medicine.

After that the minister found out to which people of the palace Royal doctor had given the medicine of mango wood within a few days.

The minister went and told the whole thing to the king.The king called the minister gardener Royal doctor in the royal court and the people whom Royal doctor had given the medicine of the wood of the mango tree.

The minister told Royal doctor that all the people whom you had given a few days ago by making mango wood medicine from the garden are present in this court.Therefore, now you should also accept the fact that you have also taken the money buried in the pot under the mango tree.

Royal doctor said when I saw the money buried in the pot under the mango tree, I thought that a long time ago someone buried his money here under the soil.That's why I had taken the pot full of money with me, my intention was not to steal.

The king asked the royal doctor to return the pot of money to the gardener Because that money belongs to the gardener.After that the king also gave a reward to Royal doctor for speaking the truth.

In this way the theft of the pot's money came to know from the understanding of the minister.


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