Interesting story- Treacherous heron and crab

 Once upon a time there was a pond in the forest where a heron lived.It lived by eating the fish of the pond, crab and other aquatic creatures.

When it got old, it could not easily catch fish and other aquatic creatures.It thought why not do some such method so that it can get food easily.

Thinking this It made a plan.The very next day he went to the bank of the pond and started crying loudly.

Seeing the heron crying, a crab living in the same pond came to him a bit scared.It asked the heron the reason for his crying.

Heron said that I have become old now. Therefore, dispassion has arisen in my mind.For this reason now I cannot harm any living being in this pond.All the animals living in this pond are my relatives.

The fear of the crab had subsided a bit due to the words of the heron. So it went closer to him and said then why were you crying?

The heron said that an astrologer has told me that after some time there is going to be a drought here and this pond will also dry up completely.

Other animals have started leaving this place after listening to me and going to another place.But the creatures of this pond will not believe me and after some time all will die. That's why I'm crying thinking about it.

The crab told this to all the aquatic creatures.They all came to the heron to ask the solution of this problem.

The heron said that at some distance from here I have seen a very big pond whose water cannot dry up for many years.Therefore, I will leave 1 creature of this pond on my back every day and leave it in that pond.

The creatures living in that pond liked this very much.Now the heron used to carry a fish every day sitting on his back and eat it by dropping it on the way.

One day the crab told the heron that now you take me with you to that pond and leave it.The heron became very happy, it thought that let's get to eat the crab today.

It carried the crab on his back.In the middle of the way, the heron started coming down at the same place where it used to eat the fishes by dropping them.

The crab saw the bones of fish lying there from a distance, so he understood the whole matter.The heron also tried to bring down the crab and told him that as I have eaten these fish, now I will eat you too.

The crab grabbed the heron's neck and started biting and slowly separated its neck.After that the crab dragged the neck of the heron and took it to the bank of the pond and there he told the whole thing to everyone.

When the creatures of the pond came to know about the handiwork of the heron, then they understood that one should not trust anyone without thinking.


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