Inspirational story- Discovery of the wise

 Once upon a time there was a saint.He used to teach children and young men in his Hermitage.

He had a daughter for whose marriage he was looking for a suitable groom.

He thought why not choose the wisest disciple from among his disciples and marry his daughter with him.

Thinking so, he thought of testing the intelligence of his disciples.He called all his disciples to him.And said that he has to get his daughter married. Because of this a lot of money will have to be accumulated.

Therefore, go and collect the necessary material and money for the marriage by any means.For this, even if you have to steal, do it, but keep one thing in mind that no one can see you doing this.

The disciples set out to collect the material for the marriage after listening to the saint.The disciples used to steal goods from different places every day and give them to the saint.

The saint's goods were collected and kept in one place.The saint saw that his most worthy disciple used to sit in solitude and did not bring any goods to him.

The saint went to him and asked that all the disciples had brought him some things for marriage, but he did not give them anything, why so?

Then the disciple said that you had said that I should do some wrong thing but no one should see me, this cannot happen because my conscience sees me.

Hearing this from his disciple, the saint was very pleased, he called all his disciples to him at the same time.He asked all his disciples whether anyone saw you when you were stealing.

Then all the disciples said that no one has seen us stealing.Listening to his disciples, the saint asked them that while stealing you, your conscience did not even see you.

Hearing this, the heads of all the disciples bowed in shame.Then the saint told that he had put this test to choose the wisest disciple from among his disciples for the marriage of his daughter.

After that the saint delivered all the items carried by the disciples to their master.Then he got his daughter married to his wisest disciple.


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