Inspirational story goal achievement

 Once upon a time. a village.Once the people of that village decided to organize a competition.

A very high iron pole was buried in the middle of the village.According to the condition of the competition, whoever reaches the highest height of that pillar will be declared the winner.

On the day of the competition many contestants and many spectators gathered around that pillar.Seeing the height of the pillar, most of the people present there believed that hardly anyone could reach the top of the pillar.

The contestants started climbing the pillars one by one.After climbing some distance on the pole, most of the contestants slipped and came down.

Most of the spectators were discouraging the contestants by saying that they would not go higher than that.

Most of the contestants were unable to concentrate due to the noise of the audience and slipped and fell down demoralized.Some contestants tried many times but they were also unsuccessful.

Then a weak looking young man slowly climbed up to the top of the pillar.He was declared the winner.

The audience was very surprised, they asked the young man how did you do this difficult task?

Then someone from the audience came forward and told that this young man is deaf.

After knowing about that young man, people asked him the secret of his success in gestures, then he told that Seeing the shouting of the audience, he felt that people were encouraging him and due to not hearing his voice, he reached up to focus his attention on the top of the pillar.

This story teaches us that to achieve the goal, we should focus on our goal, not listening to the things of the world.


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