Inspirational story- Learning effect

 Once upon a time there was a child, he used to eat very sweet, due to which his mother used to be very upset.

Mother always explains to her son that eating too much sweet is injurious to health. This also weakens the teeth.But his mother's words had no effect on the child.

Once a mother, fed up with her child's habit, took him to a saint.There she told the saint about his son's habit and said that you forbid him from doing this, maybe he will agree to you.

The saint listened carefully to that woman and told her that after 15 days you come to me with your son.

After 15 days, when the woman went to the saint with her child, the saint explained to the child that he should not eat excessively sweet.The saint also explained to the child the harm of eating excessively sweet.

When the saint had explained to the child, then his mother told him that you could have explained the same thing to the child 15 days ago, but then why didn't you tell him this?

The saint told the woman that if I had refused to eat sweets from that child 15 days ago, then my words would not have any effect on him.

But in these 15 days I myself did not eat sweets.So now the lesson given by me will have an impact on the child.Because I have done that work myself before teaching the child.

The saint explained that we should teach someone only when we do that work ourselves, only then our learning has an effect on another person.


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