Inspirational story A lamp of hope

 On a very dark night, 4 lamps were burning in a closed room of a house.Those four lamps were talking among themselves.

The first lamp which was given for peace is to say that nowadays there is a lot of incest in the world.

Because of this I am no longer important in the world and I am no longer needed. Saying this the first lamp was extinguished.

The second lamp, which was given of faith, said that lies and deception have spread so much in the world that people no longer have any faith in me, because of this reason, saying that this world no longer needs me, the second lamp was also extinguished.

The third lamp, which was given for love, said that now people do not have enough time in this world to love each other.

Because of this I have lost my importance. So now what is my need by saying this and the third lamp has also been extinguished.

Now only 1 lamp was burning in that closed dark room.Then the door of that locked room opened and the owner of that house came in.

He noticed that a small lamp was still burning due to which there was little light in the room.He went and lit that one lamp, which had been extinguished by the other three lamps,due to which the light spread all around the room.

This fourth lamp was a lamp of hope, due to which the three lamps of peace, faith and love were again illuminated.

This story teaches us that we should never give up hope. If hope is awakened in us then we can find peace, faith and love in any situation.


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