Inspirational story- Worth of person

 Once upon a time there lived a man in a city. He worked in an iron shop.He had a son. He sometimes took his son with him to work in the shop.

Once both the man and his son were working in the shop when his son asked a question to his father that what is the value of man in this world?

The man was surprised to hear such a question from his little child.The man told his son that it is very difficult to assess the worth of a person because all persons are priceless.

The child asked his father, then are all persons precious and important?Father said yes.The child did not understand anything, he again questioned his father.

He asked that father, if the price of all persons is the same then why is a person poor or rich and why does some person get more respect and some less so?

Hearing the question, the person got into thinking for a while.After that the man asked to bring an iron rod lying near his son.

When the son would bring an iron rod, the father asked, what will be its cost?

Son said about $10.The father said that if I make small nails of it, then what will be its cost?

The son said then its price will increase to $ 50.The father said that now if I make many spring of the clock with this iron, then what will be its cost?

The son fell into thought and began to calculate.Then he got excited and said that its price will be very high.

The father explained to him and said that in the same way, the value of man is not in what he is now, rather it lies in what he can make of himself?

Now that man's son was very happy because he had found the answer to his question.

From this story we get the lesson that any person is evaluated only by the work done by him.Any person can improve his work and increase his value.


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