Interesting story- Mean people

 Once upon a time there was a man who was very poor.Because of his being poor, no one used to greet him, did not wish him.

People used to avoid going to his house.People used to change the way on which the poor man passes and go through another route.

No one supported him in the circumstances of poverty.Because of his poverty, the man used to be very unhappy.

Once that person worked hard and earned some money.After that he started doing small business with that little money.

Gradually his business started growing.And there came a time when he became a rich and respected person of that city.

Now people used to respect him, salute him and also wish him.But despite being rich, he was not intoxicated by money.He remembered his old times and never boasted of wealth.

When people greeted him and wished him, he used to say that I will say.People did not understand the meaning of the sentence I will say by him.

One day a person asked him what is the meaning of I will say by you?Then the person who had become rich took the person who was asking him the question to his house.

There he showed the man his safe.And he said that every day I stand in front of the safe and say that this person has said hello to you and that person has wished you.

Because when I was poor, no one used to greet me nor did anyone wish me.The meaning of this is that people salute money and wish it only, not me.

That is to say, the world is full of mean people. There are some people here who support us in our troubles.


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