Inspirational story-Tailor's lessons

 Once upon a time there lived a tailor in a town.He had a 9 year old son, he was very smart in studies.

The tailor wanted his son to study and become a noble person and make a lot of progress.

For this reason, he always used to give some new lessons to his son.

After returning from school one day, the tailor took his son to his shop.The tailor at the shop explained his work to his son in detail.

Sitting in the shop, the tailor's son was watching his father's work very carefully.At the shop, the tailor's son saw that his father kept the Scissor under his foot while sewing. But holding the needle in his cap.

When the tailor's son saw his father several times holding the scissors under his foot and holding the needle in his cap, then he asked his father the reason for this.

The tailor smiled and told his son that the object which does the work of cutting. Its place is always low and the thing that does the work of connecting, its place is always high.For this reason the scissor is always placed under the foot and the needle is always handled and attached to the cap.

From this statement the tailor taught his son that people who live in harmony. They always get a high position in the society and the person who does destructive work always get a low place in the society.


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