Inspirational story- Difference of perspective

 Once upon a time there lived a person in a city who was a very noble person. He always did good to others. But he was always worried thinking that no one would appreciate him. 

That person was always sad thinking that he always treated others well. But people do evil to him and no one considers him good. 

One day that person was going somewhere, on the way he met a saint.  He told the saint his problem and said that he always does good to others. But no one praises him and people always consider him bad. 

The saint smiled a little after listening to that person and took him out of his bag with a diamond. 

Seeing the diamond, the person said to the saint, I do not want any gift. I want solution to my problem. 

The saint smiled and told the person that it is a diamond and that there is a solution to your problem. 

The saint told that person that you go with this diamond and ask the person you meet on the way for its price but do not sell it. The saint told that person that after that after 1 week you should come and meet me.

After that the person went with the diamond and on the way he found a small merchant, he showed that diamond to the merchant and asked its price. 

The merchant told the person that I can give you $100 for this.

 After that the person went ahead with that diamond and found a big merchant of the city.

 The big businessman told that person that I will give you $ 10000 for this. 

After that the person went to a goldsmith with that diamond, then goldsmith said that I can give you $ 100000 for this diamond. 

Eventually the person took that diamond to a very big diamond merchant and asked the price of that diamond. 

The diamond merchant told the person that this diamond is very precious. Its price will be in crores but I do not have enough money to buy it.

 Now that person became more upset that no one is able to tell the exact value of this diamond. 

After 1 week the person reached the saint and he told the whole thing to the saint. 

The saint explained to the person that he recognised and valued the diamond in the same way as the person in front had the status. 

In the same way the person in front will think of you as he himself, if that person is good and honest then he will consider you good and if that person is bad, he will think you are bad too. 

So this story teaches us that we should be good in our own eyes. It should not matter to us what the viewpoint of others is. Because everyone's point of view is different.


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